Dr. Nick van Terheyden

Sorting out AI, ML, DL, and NLP

This is our ongoing reporting on how AI is being integrated into healthcare technology. We are seeking out the thought leaders and innovations that are moving the needle forward which include Olive, GE Healthcare, Saykara, Nephrology Associates, Viz.ai, Endpoint Health, BUDDI.AI, & Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Pandemic Security

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Dr. Jake Reder, PhD the CEO of CeldaraMedical – an innovation incubator and accelerator focused on transforming academic innovations into medicines that cure the world’s most challenging diseases.

Electrical Based Treatments

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Peter Staats, MD, MPH, CMO for electroCore, CMO for National Spine and Pain Center, and President-Elect of the World Institute of Pain.

Found With a Trace

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Tom Goodmanson CEO of Calabrio, a customer focused contact tracing solution provider that has been working with state and local health and government technology leaders to rapidly build out contact tracing operations and manage the agent workforce.

Sorting out AI, ML, DL, and NLP

This is our ongoing reporting on how AI is being integrated into healthcare technology. We are seeking out the thought leaders and innovations that are moving the needle forward which include Onfido, Delfin Health, Welldoc, University of Maryland, Change Healthcare, Samsung Medison, Intel, TractManager, Atomwise, GC Pharma, Viz.ai, Microsoft for Healthcare & Wolters Kluwer, Health.

Connecting the Dots

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Sita Kapoor, CIO, and Co-Founder of HealthEC a data company that is connecting the dots in healthcare.

The Long Fix

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Vivian Lee, MD PhD MBA, President Verily Health Platforms and author of “The Long Fix: Solving America’s Health Care Crisis with Strategies that Work for Everyone” and a Senior Lecturer at Harvard Medical School.