Update on Regional Extension Centers – RECs
The 62 Regional Extension Centers are located in 9 regional areas. This post is checking in on the East South Central region and its three states and three centers. A small region but 2 out of 3 states just might be successful if their web sites are any sign.
Alabama – ALREC
A state wide collaboration led by the University of South Alabama Center for Strategic Health Innovation (CSHI). Another in a long list of University RECs that leave you scratching your head. Check out their great calendar of events that is completely empty. And how about their links page? The link is to the Final Rule pdf. Really? That is the only link you can think of? You can create a readiness assessment form that you can save or preview. Does this go somewhere or does someone assess the assessment? Someone throw the lifeline out for this one.
Kentucky – KY-REC
Housed at the University of Kentucky this REC looks like it actually knows what they have to do and are reaching out to their local EPs. You can connect with them on Facebook, take their survey, join their center, or schedule a meeting. I couldn’t find the “Join Now” link to sign up but they reference it? It looks like they are starting a blog soon too. All in all one of the better sites so far.
Tennessee – tnREC
This center is operated by QSource, an independent, non-profit health care consulting firm. The site is well organized and full of all the information an EP would need to get started on EHR adoption and meaningful use. Sign up for the “Statewide Meaningful Use & HIT Lab” on December 7th. Check out the tools and resources for presentations, white papers, fact sheets, FAQs, and more. The site also has an area just for contracted EPs for individual plans and help. Some social media connections would be a great addition. But overall another good site.
Other previously reviewed areas:
New England
Mid Atlantic
East North Central
West North Central
South Atlantic
Next stop, West South Central!