Healthcare Revenue Cycle and Finance

HIPAA: Helping or Hurting?

By Matt Patterson MD – Much has changed in the years since HIPAA was first passed into law, not the least of which is the use of mobile technology in healthcare. As a physician, patient, and healthcare technology business leader, I have experienced numerous frustrations and inefficiencies resulting from practices struggling to adhere to the letter of the HIPAA law rather than embracing its spirit.

Putting Engaged and Empowered Individuals at the Center of our Health Care System

By Susannah Fox – At HHS, we are working toward transforming our health care system into one that puts individuals at the center. By making prices and quality information more accessible, providing the right tools to help people navigate the system, and listening to patients, we can help engage and empower people to take control of their health, something that’s good for them and good for our communities.