Patient Engagement in Healthcare Transformation
Dave deBronkart, aka e-Patient Dave, is an activist for the e-patient movement and arguably the leading voice on patient engagement.
His story as a cancer survivor who went on to dedicate himself to spreading the message of participatory medicine and patient rights is well documented through his blog, his work and his books. He travels around the world speaking at the largest and most influential health care conferences and symposiums. He has almost 11,000 followers on Twitter and a Klout score of 61. His influence in the health IT industry is no small thing.
His first book, Laugh, Sing, and Eat Like a Pig: How an empowered patient beat Stage IV cancer (and what healthcare can learn from it) was released in 2010. In his own words “It’s the approach I chose to take to the news that I had a lethal cancer – a summary of the advice I got in the first few weeks after diagnosis.” His follow up book, Facing Death – With Hope, was released in September 2011.
As we all await the release of the final rules for Stage 2 Meaningful Use much of the dialog right now is on patient enagement and specifically on the proposed requirements on providers giving patients e-access to their health information. It seems like the ideal time to be talking to e-Patient Dave.
We’ve invited Dave to be our guest on Tuesday’s MU Live! The show airs at 2 pm Eastern. If you’d like to tune in you can sign up below to receive call in and listening instructions as well as a reminder notice the morning of the show.
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If you’d like to learn more about Dave deBronkart and his story, you can visit his blog here.