mental health

The Shock and Reality of Catching Covid After Being Vaccinated

By Steven Findlay – Robin Hauser, a pediatrician in Tampa, Florida, got covid in February. What separates her from the vast majority of the tens of millions of other Americans who have come down with the virus is this: She got sick seven weeks after her second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

The 4th Realm of Health

By Jenifer Leaf Jaeger MD MPH – Communities across the United States are looking for better ways to manage mental and behavioral health disorders, with the recognition that Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) are inextricably linked with an individual’s mental health status.

Mental Health Is the Next Pandemic

By Joel Barthelemy – While many of us are sheltering in place to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, a massive mental health pandemic is also brewing. Fears about COVID-19, the economic meltdown, and prolonged social-isolation are all taking a toll on mental health.

Can Technology Transform Mental Health Care?

By Irv H. Lichtenwald – Any conversation focused on what’s great about America usually includes a mention of optimism, hopefulness or some variation on the theme. Americans generally still believe in a brighter future, and especially the ways in which technology can enable that future. But that sense of optimism contains a kernel of potential disappointment when we ask technology to do too much.