
RPM: Expanding Opportunities

By Matt Fisher – Remote patient monitoring is a form of telehealth receiving increasing attention and focus as a means of improving overall patient health and engagement. As a starting point though, what is remote patient monitoring?

Moving Forward Together: Addressing Health Equity

By Matt Fisher – Inequalities and disparities exist throughout society and industries, an issue that has become ever more apparent and spotlighted throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Focusing on healthcare, the inequities are impacting non-white patient populations and with each report found to exist across what appears to be every aspect of healthcare.

Opening the Doors: Access to Records

By Matt Fisher – With the federal information blocking regulation now in full effect many prior hurdles that individuals faced in accessing their own medical records have been removed or reduced. Individuals can more readily request that records be sent to applications of their choosing or just get to their records in other ways.

A New Era for Access

By Matt Fisher – The information blocking regulations that are designed to promote individual access to records finally went into effect on Monday, April 5, 2021. The regulations were long delayed both in initial drafting and then implementation after finalization.

Telemedicine 2021

We are seeking out the latest developments around Telemedicine. How is telemedicine used to benefit patients and care givers? News from eVisit, American Telemedicine Association, FCC, BlueJeans Telehealth, SOC Telemed, TytoCare, Rhinogram, Carium, AMD Global Telemedicine and more.

Shifting Care to Home or Remote

By Matt Fisher – When access to in-person healthcare service shutdown almost completely during the pandemic, the impact of remote patient monitoring, or remote patient engagement, was thrust to the fore. The positive effects have started to gain momentum as well with more evidence as to the actual health benefits.