12 Days of Christmas Posts

A Gaggle of Health IT Reports

On the 6th Day of our 12 Days of Christmas Posts, we turn our attention to a gaggle of reports that made health IT news in the latter part of the year. Three of the reports listed are from the ONC, focusing on the current and future landscape of health IT technology.

Calling for Giving on the 4th Day 2014

Day 4 of our 12 Days of Christmas Posts has us calling out for the true meaning of the season – Giving. The newest in health technology, innovation, and patient engagement is now taking to crowd funding to get that start they believe will make them successful.

Three Things About the Three Stages of Meaningful Use

It is day three of our 12 Days of Christmas Posts and like three French hens, the three stages of meaningful use marched along in 2014. It was not a drama-less year though as organizations pressed CMS to continue the 3 month reporting period requirement for Stage 2 and beyond.

Walkin’ In a Winter Health IT Land

Today marks the start of our annual line up of 12 Days of Christmas Posts. From now through December 25th we’ll be featuring all of our favorite things that made 2014 so meaningful to us and to the world of health IT.