A Picture Tells a Thousand Words
Using a picture and visual graphics to represent data and information is called an infographic. It is a great way to display statistical data that shows comparisons or charts that come from research and reports. These are more healthcare infographics I have come across lately. See previously discovered healthcare infographics.
Privacy and Security in Health IT
This infographic was created by the ONC. The ONC is dedicated to improving the privacy and security of health information. Protecting health information is a shared responsibility. An ONC goal is to inspire Confidence and trust. The HIT Policy Committee’s Privacy & Security Tiger Team advises the ONC. We are all in this together and this shows just who we all are. See this infographic.
I Feel Fine(d) – HIPAA HITECH Fines and How to Avoid Them
As the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) ramps up its enforcement efforts around the privacy and security requirements from HIPAA and HITECH, healthcare providers and their technology partners continue to pay for their data security mistakes. Hosting and cloud providers must increasingly take HIPAA requirements into account when developing services and infrastructure for clients in the healthcare space. This infographic brought to you by INetU outlines why and how that must happen.
2013 – Year of the Mega Breach
Symantec has published their annual Internet Security Treat Report. It provides an overview and analysis of the year in global threat activity. The report is based on data from the Symantec Global Intelligence Network, which Symantec’s analysts use to identify, analyze, and provide commentary on emerging trends in the dynamic threat landscape. Along with the report they have created two infographics. 2013 – Year of the Mega Breach shows how cybercriminals unleasehed the most damaging series of cyberattacks in history. See this infographic.
A Decade of Data Breach
First identified as an industry issue a decade ago, in 2003, data breaches are now part of the consumer vocabulary. Data breaches have evolved from credit card fraud with financial consequences to medical identity theft with life-threatening implications. According to leading industry experts, the frequency, severity, and impact of data breaches are expected to escalate, with the looming threats of organized crime, corporate espionage, and cyberterrorism. Check out this infographic created by ID Experts.