Newest AHRQ’s Effective Health Care Program Survey

Clinicians Invited to Participate in Effective Health Care Program

Effective Health Care ProgramThe Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is the lead Federal agency under the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) for improving the quality of health care for all Americans. As one of 12 agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services, AHRQ supports health services research that will improve the quality of health care and promote evidence-based decision making. AHRQ’s Effective Health Care Program funds individual researchers, research centers, and academic organizations to work together with AHRQ to produce effectiveness and comparative effectiveness research for clinicians, consumers, and policymakers.

Help AHRQ Shape New Tools for Shared Decision Making

AHRQ’s Effective Health Care Program is currently inviting clinicians to participate in an online survey about their needs and preferences for tools to educate patients about their treatment options. The results will inform the development of new tools and a workshop that will help clinicians use comparative effectiveness researching findings in shared decision making with patients and caregivers. Your survey participation will help ensure that AHRQ provides resources that bring the most value to patients, caregivers, and health care professionals. Take the survey.

Other Offerings in the Effective Health Care Program

Submit a Suggestion for Research

When you submit a suggestion for research, you are nominating a potential topic for future research reviews or original research reports conducted by the Effective Health Care Program. The Effective Health Care Program accepts suggestions for research topics from anyone. Heads of major hospitals, clinicians, and patients have all offered suggestions for new research topics. All suggestions for research are carefully considered based on a set of criteria. Priority is given to research suggestions that focus on certain conditions, patient populations, or may have a significant impact on the quality of patient care for a large number of people. If you are interested in submitting topics for research funding, please go to Funding Opportunities.