Health IT Documents for Your Digital Reader

Health IT References and White Papers Worthy of a Read

It is time to reload your reader with the newest and updated documents. Catch up on your reading in these last days of summer and if you are planning that last beach trip over Labor day. These are user guides, white papers, and documents to help you navigate your Health IT adoption. Download these PDFs to your digital reader. And check out more documents for your readers we have suggested.

We begin with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), a Federal agency under HHS for improving the quality of health care for all Americans. As one of 12 agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services, AHRQ supports health services research that will improve the quality of health care and promote evidence-based decision making.

  • Regional Health eDecisions: A Guide to Connecting Health Information Exchange in Primary Care lays out a blueprint  to help a practice connect its EHR to a Regional Health Information Organization (RHIO), offers tips to engage staff buy-in, addresses technical issues, and helps to make sure that data acquired from information exchange can be accessed by clinicians as part of their regular workflows.
  • AHRQ Health IT Ambulatory Safety and Quality: Findings and Lessons from the Improving Quality through Clinician Use  of Health IT Grant Initiative a report highlighting key findings and lessons from the experiences of 24 projects awarded under the AHRQ Improving Quality Through Clinician Use of Health IT initiative.

Next up is from Point-of-Care Partners, Health Plans and Health Information Technology: Six Areas of Opportunity Under the Affordable Care Act. This white paper identifies six strategic areas of opportunity that merit consideration for the health plan looking to optimize its response to the ACA and provide a positive return on investment.

And finally, The Future of Medical Practice: Creating Options for Practicing Physicians to Control Their Professional Destiny from the Physicians Foundation. The Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that seeks to advance the work of practicing physicians and help facilitate the delivery of healthcare to patients. The purpose of this report is to delineate the current state of medical practice and forecast possible future strategies for ensuring vital and responsive physician services in the United States.