Digital Health & Telemedicine

6 Ways Telemedicine Can Help with Flu Season

By Joel Barthelemy – 100 years ago, a third of the world’s population became sick. One of the most disastrous pandemics in human history, the outbreak spread rapidly from nation to nation, infecting people even on remote islands. Today some experts believe it killed more people than both World Wars combined.

Telemedicine 2020

We are seeking out the latest developments around telemedicine. How is telemedicine used to benefit patients and care givers? News from Rhinogram, ModRN Health, Conversion Labs, ATA, SnapMD, MobileSmith Health, MDLive, SOC Telemed, Updox, GlobalMed and more.

How Virtual Tech Supports Better Patient Care

By Devin Partida – The COVID-19 pandemic has presented the health care industry with some unique challenges while simultaneously being a technological turning point. Amid the chaos of the pandemic, medical systems around the world embraced new tech. One of the most promising of these advancements is virtual technology like telehealth and virtual reality.

Telemedicine 2020

We are seeking out the latest developments around Telemedicine. How is telemedicine used to benefit patients and care givers? News from MDLIVE, Priority Health, Sharecare, Updox, Prospero Health, Andor Health, Vidyo Inc., VSee, Reliq Health Technologies, and more.