Transparency in Healthcare

By Dr. Nick van Terheyden aka Dr. Nick
Twitter: @drnic1
Host of Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist – #TheIncrementalist

On this episode I spoke to Mark Menton, General Manager for HealthSparq (@HealthSparq) who are focused on helping people make smarter healthcare choices. Mark started his journey in healthcare back in 2002 creating paper based directories of physicians to help patients select a doctor for their care.

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We talk about the progression into the digital work with all the additional capabilities that puts even more information at the finger tips of not just the patient but also the clinical team as they help patients navigate their care journey. They were able to add new data and filters to allow patients to find doctors that were closer matches to their needs including language requirements.

In their work with patients, health systems and insurance and payor they have identified key drivers for satisfaction, and top of mind for patens is transparency for the treatment they are looking to receive.

Listen in to hear Mark’s passion for incremental steps and their approach to solving for the problems that their members and customers are seeking – currently focused on finding doctors but moving towards pricing and transparency of cost for healthcare services. Historically this has been difficult to obtain and when it was available was often presented in forms that made it less helpful to the patients decision making process and oftentimes confusing. With recent legislative changes more data is becoming available and innovative organizations are working to make price transparency a critical differentiator for their services.

Hear their search for additional data to fill in gaps of knowledge for patients and how they are planning to add quality as an additional metric to present as part of the knowledge base to support individual healthcare decisions.

About the Show
For years Dr. Nick van Terheyden aka Dr. Nick, has served as a voice on the impact of new technologies on healthcare, earning a reputation as a leading authority on where the future of medicine is going. Combining powers of observation and real world experience, Dr. Nick has seen many predictions come true and makes the case that innovations in healthcare can be accomplished incrementally, not just by moonshot events. Tune in to hear Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist and his guests discuss what the future of healthcare looks like, how we will get there, and what it will take to improve healthcare for all.

This article was originally published on the Dr. Nick – The Incrementalist blog and is republished here with permission.