
Fight the Phish

By Richard Bailey – Continuing our Awareness month in week 2. Phishing attacks and scams have thrived since the COVID pandemic began in 2020, and today, phishing attacks account for more than 80 percent of reported security incidents.

Too Many Threats, Too Often

By Matt Fisher – It used to be that almost a day could not go by without the report of a phishing attack. Now seemingly a day cannot go by without a ransomware attack being reported. While phishing may be a route in, it is not the only way to get past an organization’s defenses.

Employee Errors

By Art Gross – We all know (or should know) that human error accounts for the majority of breaches. Phishing gives hackers entry to a business’s front door by manipulating the employees who work there.

What’s On The List?

Who doesn’t like a good list? Whether you are on it, know someone on it, or aspire to be on it, you always want to read the list. From the latest health mobile app technology to the top healthIT stories from last month, here are some interesting lists I think deserve sharing.