Matthew Fisher

Pagers: Only in Healthcare

By Matt Fisher – Healthcare is often subject to many jokes about the utilization of outdated technology. The old-fashioned pager, or a beeper, is the hallmark example that is most often cited.

Spotlight Bright on Business Associates

By Matt Fisher – The HIPAA spotlight is beginning to shine brightly on business associates. Covered entities have long had their time to star, so it is only fair to share the stage now. It is likely that covered entities are only too happy to have the Office for Civil Rights and others focus attention on business associates with all the consequences that come with such attention.

HIPAA and Ransomware: OCR Guidance

By Matt Fisher – After promising to provide guidance and insight for a breaking issue, the OCR came out with ransomware guidance under HIPAA. One major issue for debate was whether a ransomware attack constitutes a HIPAA breach. The guidance provides insight into where OCR is coming from and what it expects the industry to do in response to a ransomware attack.