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COVID-19 Report

We’ve rounded up some of the latest news and announcements pertaining to the coronavirus and the healthcare industry.

From Text to Telehealth: How Technology Is Changing Patient Engagement in a COVID-19 World

Dr. Tashfeen Ekram – If there was any doubt before the coronavirus pandemic, it’s now crystal clear: Tech will be at the center of patient care moving forward. From the way we communicate to patients about their appointments and care to delivering that care, the role technology plays has dramatically shifted since the early days of 2020.

COVID-19 Report

We’ve rounded up some of the latest news and announcements pertaining to the coronavirus and the healthcare industry.

Is Health Data the Next Public Utility?

By Christopher Kunney – Over the past few decades, there has been a revolution in computing and communications, and all signs point to technological progress and use of information technology in the healthcare continuing to accelerate.