Coalition For ICD-10

No Benefits to a Delay

Although no ICD-10 delay was included in the recently-enacted Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) reform legislation, some physicians continue to suggest there should be another delay. These words of Mark Twain seem like an apt description of the ICD-10 transition: “Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.”

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Lost in Translation: SGR and ICD-10

In the film Lost in Translation as the end of their time together approaches, Scarlett Johansson tells Bill Murray “Reality changes things…we can’t stay here forever.” One of the core reforms in the SGR bill (H.R. 2) is a move from a physician payment system that rewards volume to one that rewards value. The move to measuring and paying for value means the reality of SGR has changed things.

Perception vs. Reality: Physicians and ICD-10

According to French abstract artist Robert Delaunay, “Our understanding is correlative to our perception.” Many in the healthcare community may have the perception that all physicians oppose the transition to ICD-10. That is simply not true.

Coalition for ICD-10 Responds to AMA

In his recent speech to the AMA House of Delegates, AMA president Dr. Robert Wah characterized the planned implementation of ICD-10 as analogous to the dark forces controlling the galaxy in the movie Star Wars: “If it was a droid, ICD-10 would serve Darth Vader… For more than a decade, the AMA kept ICD-10 at bay – and we want to freeze it in carbonite!”

Coalition for ICD-10 Responds to AMA

In his recent speech to the AMA House of Delegates, AMA president Dr. Robert Wah characterized the planned implementation of ICD-10 as analogous to the dark forces controlling the galaxy in the movie Star Wars: “If it was a droid, ICD-10 would serve Darth Vader… For more than a decade, the AMA kept ICD-10 at bay – and we want to freeze it in carbonite!”