Star Trek Medical Bay for Your Home

Affordable Equitable Healthcare for Everyone

By Dr. Nick van Terheyden aka Dr. Nick
Twitter: @drnic1
Host of Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist – #TheIncrementalist

On this episode I talked to Miles Romney, CTO and co-founder of eVisit (@eVisit). Miles has an unusual and interesting background, he is a health IT expert who also produces Broadway musicals and has even won a Tony Award. His diversity brings some unique insights to the world of healthcare where he started his early career but has taken several sojourns into other areas including Cybersecurity, video and audio and performing as an opera singer and building an investment group 42nd Club that has been one of the most prolific producers on Broadway.

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Focusing on the second biggest problem facing our world, Miles looked to find solutions to delivering affordable equitable access to healthcare for everyone where eVisit has focused on connecting local providers with their patients answering one of the push backs we hear around Telehealth that has divorced patents form their existing health care teams. He shares their statistics of usage that go far beyond the initial x12 increase they saw from COVID19 that signals Telehealth is here to stay and going to expand.

You can hear him talk about the key method of innovation that is Incremental and have to listen in to be inspired with the great opportunities that exist for solving world problems. As he points out we have made incredible progress (think nutrition, agricultural, travel, energy, resources and technology) and it has only gotten faster and better and now we are going to apply this to healthcare. It won’t be trouble free and we still have challenges but he has an exciting vision for a full on Star Trek Medical Bay in your home (a vision that he and I share) that will ultimately make the recurring debate over healthcare as a right or privilege moot.

About the Show
For years Dr. Nick van Terheyden aka Dr. Nick, has served as a voice on the impact of new technologies on healthcare, earning a reputation as a leading authority on where the future of medicine is going. Combining powers of observation and real world experience, Dr. Nick has seen many predictions come true and makes the case that innovations in healthcare can be accomplished incrementally, not just by moonshot events. Tune in to hear Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist and his guests discuss what the future of healthcare looks like, how we will get there, and what it will take to improve healthcare for all.

This article was originally published on the Dr. Nick – The Incrementalist blog and is republished here with permission.