Top 10 Lists for Health IT
It is that time of the year again when we look back and sort out the good and bad, the happy and sad. And we always like to make lists, read lists, and especially be on a list.Yesterday HL7 Standards announced their Top #HITsm Contributors. HL7 Standards is a community sponsored by Corepoint Health and #HITsm is the healthcare social media tweet chat led and organized by HL7. Check it out on Friday mornings. So back to the list. We couldn’t be happier to be on their picks for Top #HITsm Organizations. Thanks for including us with all the other organizations we have come to know and like.
There are lots of lists out there and here are three more with interesting information.
Healthcare Informatics, 2011 Top Ten Tech Trends. From ACOs to Continuous Performance Improvement healthcare IT is on the move.
The Association of Corporate Counsel gives us the Top 10 Health Law Stories of the year. From health care reform to HIPAA enforcement, this was quite a year for the legal details.
And just who is spending the most money on healthcare these days? Here is the Huffington Post’s report on the 10 States spending the most on healthcare.