Have a Happy 4th

Have a safe and happy 4th of July from all of us at the Answers Media Network.

Our HealthcareNOW Radio’s Friday Five is a weekly post highlighting current events. Here is one of the five items from this past Friday’s post on tips and advice to help you have a happy, healthy and safe July 4th celebration!

Don’t Become a Statistic
While Emergency Rooms across the country will likely see an uptick in fireworks related injuries, sadly these admissions won’t be their only concern. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association, 40 percent of all highway deaths between 2007 and 2011 were caused by drunk driving over the Fourth of July weekend. If statistics don’t rattle you check out this friendly reminder from Esurance (@esurance) about rate increases due to receiving a DUI.

Keep Mosquitoes at Bay
Dusk is prime feeding time for sharks and mosquitoes alike. Since you are much less likely to be eaten by a shark than a mosquito lets focus on defense against those buzzing little buggers. Thankfully, Consumer Reports interviewed experts who explain how to keep mosquitoes away from you and out of your yard.

Read the other four tips from our July 4th Friday Five and ICYMI be sure to check out our other Friday Fives and Blog posts from HCNR’s Nurse Lauren.