Faster Adoption of the Best Care for Everyone

By Dr. Nick van Terheyden aka Dr. Nick
Twitter: @drnic1
Host of Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist – #TheIncrementalist

On this episode I talked to Tom Stanis (@TomStanis), CEO of StoryHealth (@StoryHealthAI), a company that combines virtual care, remote monitoring, and AI to bridge the data gap between health system specialists, primary care doctors, and patients to extend care for patients with severe conditions with their first focus around heart failure, as they return and manage their condition at home.

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Tom shares his origin story and the chance discovery of cancer in his kidney following a bad road traffic accident that essentially saved his life. This changed the trajectory of his life and work moving away from helping people click on ads and buy apps to building Verily, one of the first alphabet companies where the focus was on improving healthcare. Following success with Diabetic retinopathy, he set his mind to bringing proven scientific advances faster into general use.

In the case of Congestive heart failure – only 1% of patients are receiving guideline therapy. The reasons behind this are many but much has to do with the intermittent nature of interactions that happen between the clinicians and the patient extending the timeframe and the overwhelming nature of large amounts of data and inputs that are being generated for each and every clinical decision point.

Listen in to hear him describe their approach to gathering the data and helping provide toolsets that physicians can understand that will implement the existing guidelines using automation and rapid feedback mechanisms accelerating the process of adjusting and finding the best path for patient care as quickly and as economically as possible.

About the Show
For years Dr. Nick van Terheyden aka Dr. Nick, has served as a voice on the impact of new technologies on healthcare, earning a reputation as a leading authority on where the future of medicine is going. Combining powers of observation and real world experience, Dr. Nick has seen many predictions come true and makes the case that innovations in healthcare can be accomplished incrementally, not just by moonshot events. Tune in to hear Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist and his guests discuss what the future of healthcare looks like, how we will get there, and what it will take to improve healthcare for all.

This article was originally published on the Dr. Nick – The Incrementalist blog and is republished here with permission.