Healthcare Revenue Cycle and Finance

Is Becoming an ACO the Right Choice For You?

By Don Michaels PhD – One of the key concepts to rise out of the turbulent past decade in the healthcare industry is the Accountable Care Organization (ACO). In the ACO model, private and government payers offer the opportunity for financial incentives to groups of providers to encourage them to come together voluntarily to deliver high quality while keeping costs down.

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Massachusetts Launches Comprehensive Digital Health Initiative

Governor Charlie Baker, Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh, Speaker Robert A. DeLeo and executives from the Massachusetts Competitive Partnership (MACP) joined leaders from across state government, healthcare, and the technology sector at Boston Children’s Hospital to announce a comprehensive public-private partnership designed to accelerate the competitiveness of the Commonwealth’s digital healthcare industry.

The ONC 2016 Standards Advisory

By John Halamka MD – ONC recently released the 2016 Standards Advisory. I think this document is more important than Meaningful Use or Certification in accelerating interoperability. Why? Many view Meaningful Use as no longer aligned with the work we need to do for population health, care management, and alternative payment models.

Medicare Drug Spending Dashboard

By Andy Slavitt & Niall Brennan – Just over a month ago, HHS convened a forum that brought together consumers, providers, employers, manufacturers, health insurance companies, representatives from state and federal government, and other stakeholders to discuss ideas on how our country can meet the dual imperatives of encouraging drug development and innovation, while ensuring access and affordability.