Analytics and Pop Health

Population Health Basics: The Charlson Comorbidity Index

By Sarianne Gruber – Before we had patient panels and electronic health records, there were patient study logs and regulatory binders. Yet, the same questions are asked today when analyzing study outcomes as yesteryear. How do you assess a treatment, procedure or process for a specific disease in your population sample with the presence of confounding diseases? The answer is a Comorbidity Index.

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In Defense of Dirty Data in Healthcare

By Steve Spearman – Conventional wisdom says that you’re trying to work with a patient’s health care analytics, you’ve got to use “clean data”. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, “clean data” is personal data your patient has generated on social media, but with all of the irrelevant or contradicting data removed in an attempt to make get the most accurate health information possible.

Promoting Dignity, Through Data Accuracy, For The Dead

By Paula Braun – All information captured on death certificates – such as race, gender, and marital status – matters. In my previous blog post, I wrote about the importance of the cause-of-death fields; however, every element of the certificate is important. Capturing the information timely and accurately is more than just an administrative requirement with public health benefits.