Calling Dr. Blumenthal

Dr. David Blumenthal is well known to our circle. He was appointed in May 2009 to be the second National Coordinator for Health Information Technology and head up the Office of the National Coordinator in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). He is the number one guy when it comes to the HITECH Act and adoption of EHRs. If you have not heard him speak yet you really should put it on your to do list or at least check out some of his recent engagements.

The Arizona Health-e Connection (AzHeC) operates the Arizona Regional Extension Center. Tomorrow, December 9th, Dr. Blumenthal will be speaking at their Town Hall. Attendance is open to all Arizona HIT stakeholders and the general public. For event details click here.

If you are in the Washington DC area it is not hard to find events, HIT Committee meetings, or press conferences where Blumenthal will be speaking. In January you can find him at the eHealth Initiative Annual Conference, the 19th and 20th at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC.

Where he has been.

Just last week Blumenthal and Berwick were the keynote speakers at th CMS 2010 QualityNet Conference in Baltimore.  In November Blumenthal was a keynote at the AMIA Annual Symposium held in Washington DC. The symposium is the world’s most comprehensive annual meeting on biomedical and health informatics. The October Annual MGMA Conference featured David Blumenthals speech, Meaningful Use of EHRs: Perspectives from the National Coordinator for HIT.  And in September you could have found Blumenthal in Vermont at the 2010 Vermont Information Technology Leaders Summit. Check out his address on video.

Here is hoping to see you at the next conference.

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