It is fitting we end the week with spotlighting some women shaping today’s health care. After all I think women were the real winners this week. The Senate will see 20 women Senators this next Congress the largest group ever. New Hampshire will be sending an all women delegation to the House and their Governor is a woman too. Women made up 54% of the voters this election. As women ushered Obama in for another four years, they also once again secured their future choice of private and safe healthcare. A vote that men in this country will never have to make. We can only hope we won’t be discussing legitimate rape, vaginal probing, fetus citizenship, or Planned Parent defunding until it is forced upon us the next election cycle. In the meantime take a look at these women who are doing their part in moving health care forward.
Women in Government
- Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health & Human Services. As a cabinet member to the President Ms. Sebelius is on the front line of health care policies and implementation of the Accountable Care Act. The ONC is also one of her agencies.
- Surgeon General Regina M. Benjamin, MD, MBA, is the 18th Surgeon General of the United States. As America’s Doctor, she provides the public with the best scientific information available on how to improve their health and the health of the nation.
- Lygeia Ricciardi (@Lygeia) is acting director of the Office of Consumer eHealth Program at the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC). She is responsible for developing and implementing ONC’s national strategy to engage consumers in their health and healthcare through information technology. ONC Mostashari calls her “The Consumerista”.
Women in Health Care and Health IT Innovation
- Naomi Fried, PhD, (@NaomiFried) Chief Innovation Officer at Boston Children’s Hospital and spearheading the Innovation Acceleration Program.
- Dr. Molly Coye, Chief Innovation officer of UCLA Health System, an internationally recognized leader in advancing innovative approaches to healthcare delivery, adopting new technologies and shaping national health policy.
- Sue Siegel, CEO of healthymagination. This is GE’s $6 billion global commitment to provide better health for more people by lowering costs and increasing access.
Women in Science and Research
- Linda Avey (@lindaavey) is co-founder of personal genetics company 23andMe and is now focused on Alzheimer’s disease research.
- Synthetic biologist Christina Agapakis along with four other women scientist take this year’s L’Oreal USA Fellowships For Women In Science Awards. All working on breakthrough scientific research addressing critical global challenges.
Women in Patient Advocacy
- Alexandra Drane, (@adrane) Founder, Chief Visionary Officer and Chair of the Board of Eliza Corporation. She has devoted her career to inspiring people to lead healthier, happier and more engaged lives through the use of innovative technology, and her entrepreneurial spirit and passion for technology. She is co-founder of Engage with Grace, initiating the conversation on end of life options.
- Lindsey Kroll, President and Founder of Enable Your Care Patient Advocacy and Patient Care Coordination committed to providing professional coordination services to those with chronic, life threatening and debilitating illnesses through partnership relationships with the patient’s providers and insurer.