The Health Care Workforce Challenge: Three Solutions that Work!

A Conversation with John Malone

Episode Overview
The health care industry has long been challenged with workforce issues: high turnover, recruitment and retention, escalating wage growth, and low morale. Health care executives and human resource leaders could not imagine these challenges getting much worse, then along came COVID-19. Now surveys across the industry are indicating workforce issues are the number one challenge facing many provider organizations.

In this episode of Value-Based Care Insights, Daniel J. Marino speaks with John Malone to highlight the extent of the COVID-19 impact and example solutions that work to address workforce challenges. Key points include:

  • The importance of empowering frontline supervisors and managers to decrease burnout, and improve retention and turnover with a sense of ownership and decision-making authority
  • The standardization of workflows to move work processes down to the appropriate resources to address staff burnout and dissatisfaction
  • Tailored retention strategies based on key workforce metrics that are accurate and understood by management
  • The conscious awareness of a positive culture leading to a high-performing organization

About The Show
From Healthcare NOW Radio, Value-Based Care Insights is a podcast that explores how to optimize the performance of programs to meet the demands of an increasing value-based care payment environment. Hosted by Dan Marino (@DjmarinoHD), the VBCI podcast highlights recognized experts in the field and within Lumina Health Partners (@LuminaHP). Join the conversation on Twitter at #VBCInsights. This article was originally published on the Lumina Health Partners blog and is republished here with permission. For transcript, see original post.