Secure Exchange Solutions

Who’s Going to Civitas?

Meet the industry leaders that are heading to Detroit for the Civitas Annual Conference starting October 15. I will be there and I hope to see you there.

What Lies Ahead in Interoperability?

NOW on demand, The Tate Chronicles with host Jim Tate and guest Michele Darnell, President and Chief Commercial Office at Secure Exchange Solutions. The topic is the current state of interoperability including gaps, challenges, and what lies ahead.

Who is Going to Civitas 2023?

Civitas 2023 coming up on August 20th. This annual event will bring the top players in healthcare interoperability together to discuss and showcase the leading issues and solutions to our ongoing quest for secure and available health data exchange. See you at the Gaylord!

Announcements at #Together4Health2022 #ICYMI

Announcement made at the Civitas ad DirectTrust Better Together 2022 conference from HASA HIE/C3HIE, The Sequoia Project, HITRUST, PCDH Governance Council, Velatura, KPI Ninja by Health Catalyst, MedAllies, & Secure Exchange Solutions.