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Emotional AI and the Future of Nursing Education

By Luke Smith – Healthcare is set to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of artificial intelligence. The applications for data analysis as well as simplifying day-to-day tasks will help streamline healthcare and allow those within the industry to focus on what’s most important: patient outcomes, patient satisfaction, and patient empowerment.

IPA in Healthcare: Our Year to Catch Up

By Pavani Munjuluri – When it comes to intelligent process automation (IPA) in healthcare, multiple stakeholders drive technology adoption. Payers, providers and patients all bring their own unique interests and perspectives on how healthcare should operate and in what areas IPA should be used.

COVID-19 Report

We’ve rounded up some of the latest news and announcements pertaining to the coronavirus and the healthcare industry.

Preventing Racial Bias in Health Care Algorithms

By Devin Partida – Headlines and press releases regularly announce that artificial intelligence could prove game-changing in the health care industry. It has already facilitated progress that would have otherwise have stayed out of reach. However, racial bias in AI algorithms is a topic that deserves more attention.