big data

eCaring:  Bending the Cost Curve with Big Data for Home-Based Patients

By Sarianne Gruber – “There are a lot of tech savvy people making apps for tech-savvy people. It’s a wonderful world that we live in with the ability to do that but we are not going to bend the cost curve in the United States by providing an app for an otherwise healthy forty-year-old person with diabetes or for the sixty-year-old that has a heart condition who is out on the golf course.

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Volume is Only One of the Four “V”s of Big Data, Especially for the Right Data

By William Hersh MD – One widely accepted definition of Big Data is that it entails four “V”s: volume, velocity, variety, and veracity. In other words, Big Data is defined by there being a great deal of it (volume), coming at us rapidly and continuously (velocity), taking many different forms and types (variety), and originating from trustworthy sources (veracity).

A Med School Teaches Science And Data Mining

By Julie Rovner – Medicine, meet Big Data. For generations, physicians have been trained in basic science and human anatomy to diagnose and treat the individual patient. But now, massive stores of data about what works for which patients are literally changing the way medicine is practiced.

Big Data for a Big Problem: Putting Data To Work To Tackle Obesity

By Edward L. Hunter – The obesity epidemic has far-reaching consequences: it is a primary driver of continually climbing health care costs, it foreshadows an unhealthier and costlier workforce that will burden global economic competitiveness, and it is reversing more than a century of progress in which each generation lived longer and healthier lives than the one before it.