Our monthly roundup of surveys and reports from around the industry. We found interesting information that continues to give a glimpse into where we are going in healthcare. This month, reports from HHS and its agencies, CMS and HSRA show children’s mental health continues to be a substantial public health concern, the number of uninsured black Americans has gone down with ACA, listing of the most common HIPAA violations, and a reduction of poverty. Reporting from the private sector, people are willing to open their data if it leads to a better experience.
New Report on Children’s Mental Health Features Key Data from National Survey of Children’s Health
A new report featuring data from HRSA’s (@HRSAgov) 2016-2019 National Survey of Children’s Health, shows that children’s mental health was a substantial public health concern even before the COVID-19 pandemic started. This report is an update to one first published in 2013 in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. The 2013 report was the first ever cross-agency children’s mental health surveillance report, and includes input from HRSA, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the National Institute of Mental Health. HRSA’s Reem Ghandour and Jesse Lichstein are co-authors.
New HHS Report Highlights 40 Percent Decline in Uninsured Rate Among Black Americans Since Implementation of the Affordable Care Act
HHS (@HHSGov) released a new report that shows historic gains in health care coverage access and affordability among Black Americans. The report, which was produced by researchers in HHS’s Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, shows that since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act’s coverage provisions beginning in 2010, the uninsured rate among Black Americans under age 65 decreased from 20 percent in 2011 (approximately 7.1 million people) to 12 percent in 2019 (approximately 4.4 million people), a decline of 40 percent.
Compliance Review Program Findings
The CMS National Standards Group (@CMSGov), on behalf of HHS, administers the Compliance Review Program. The program aims to promote compliance with HIPAA Administrative Simplification rules for electronic health care transactions. Since the program launched in April 2019, NSG has conducted 20 compliance reviews with a mix of clearinghouses and health plans. To help covered entities prepare for compliance reviews, CMS has created a report with the most common violations of standards and operating rules from the reviews.
New HHS Report Highlights How Antipoverty Efforts from the Administration Reduced Poverty in 2021
HHS (@HHSGov) released a new report that highlights the economic impact of the American Rescue Plan, specifically the role ARP played in reducing poverty. The report, which was produced by researchers in HHS’s Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, projects that economic relief efforts—including economic impact payments, unemployment compensation and expanded unemployment compensation (includes federal supplemental benefits), and the monthly Advance Child Tax Credit payments—kept 20.1 million people out of poverty, including 7.8 million children.
Arcadia analysis of COVID-19 hospital patient data shows higher post-discharge mortality rate compared to non-COVID patients
Arcadia (@ArcadiaHealthIT) released its analysis of data involving COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized and discharged from U.S. hospitals in 2020. The key finding is that COVID-19 patients had a high mortality rate post-discharge compared to the general population — and a mortality rate even higher than discharged patients who had a diagnosis of sepsis.
Fortified Health Security Releases 2022 Horizon Report
Fortified Health Security (@FortifiedHITSec), Healthcare’s Cybersecurity Partner®, released the 2022 Horizon Report. The report reveals how, as the industry continues to recover from a tumultuous 2020, cybercriminals continued to relentlessly target and attack providers, health plans and their business associates. The report goes on to explore how federal and state regulatory agencies along with cyber insurance companies are taking notice of breaches and the increasing number of ransomware attacks in the healthcare industry, adopting comprehensive cybersecurity policies and procedures that increase compliance and mitigation costs.
Axway Survey Finds People Are Willing to Open up Their Data If It Leads to Better Experiences
In a global consumer survey, Axway (@Axway), an API Management leader, finds that almost 60% of people believe it’s worth allowing companies to access their personal data if it means a better user experience. The survey also shows regional – and perhaps cultural – differences in consumers’ embrace of data openness: 75% of Brazilians and 59% of U.S. Americans said it is worth giving companies access to their personal data if it means a better user experience, whereas the British are actually quite split – only 50% agreeing it’s worth giving access to their data – and Germans are slightly opposed to the notion, with only 48% agreeing.
Black Book™ Survey Reveals 50 Emerging Solutions Methodically Challenging the Healthcare Technology Status Quo
Global investment funding for the digital health sector reached a record $57 billion in 2021, growing a record 79%. 3,655 executives, professionals and consultants from 2,904 healthcare providers, payers, vendors, advisory firms, investment banks and venture capital organizations assessed emerging IT solutions on their individual ability to contribute to a more integrated, patient-centric, productivity-enhancing HIT ecosystem. The series of surveys conducted between October 2021 and February 2022 presented 377 recently funded, capitalized, rebranded, merged or acquired, and expanding vendor solutions trending on the radar of healthcare technology investment observers, to be scored on 18 KPIs. (@blackbookpolls)
Physicians Report Prior Authorization Hurts Workforce Productivity
Health insurance companies tout prior authorization for certain medical procedures, treatments, or drugs as a cost-saving measure, but insurer-imposed approval processes that go too far are no bargain for employers. Prior authorization requirements on evidence-based care can have severe consequences that interfere with a healthy, productive workforce, according to new survey results (PDF) issued recently by the American Medical Association (@AmerMedicalAssn).
2022 Outlook for Provider Compensation Management: Embracing New Compensation Models & Technology
In a new report released recently, Hallmark Health Care Solutions explores what healthcare organizations need to do in 2022 to overcome intensifying obstacles in service, care, and physician/provider compensation models. The 2022 Outlook for Provider Compensation Management assesses current market forces and challenges related to physician and provider compensation models that will impact healthcare organizations this year. It also outlines several steps provider organizations need to take to set the stage for success in 2022 and beyond.