State HIE News and Updates 6-2-17

State Health Information Exchanges (HIE) come in all shapes and sizes but have one thing in common: To improve the quality, safety and efficiency of health care delivered in their states. Catch all the latest updates on our Twitter List of HIEs. Here are updates being reported from these organizations.

Ohio – CliniSync

OH-CliniSync-200CliniSync (@CliniSync) is a nonprofit, independent, private organization originally funded from HITECH and the ONC. The Ohio Health Information Partnership assisted providers in EHR adoption and the infrastructure for statewide HIE. It was named CliniSync, which signifies Clinical data synchronization.

CliniSync Connects Newsletter – The May CliniSync Connects Newsletter has been delivered to subscribers and there is a lot happening. For starters, if you’re concerned about all of the upcoming changes in value-based payment reform, Scott Mash and Cathy Costello on our CliniSyncPLUS Team produced a series of online webinars that can update you on all the changes and proposed regulations with MIPS, MACRA, Meaningful Use Stage 3, CPC+, CPC Ohio Medicaid, and so on. In other news, CliniSync also continues to expand with 130 “live” Ohio hospitals, 6,000 physicians, 11.7 million patients.

Wisconsin Statewide Health Information Network (WISHIN)

wi-shin-twitterIn October 2010 Wisconsin officially announced its intention to designate WISHIN (@WISHIN_Pulse), a not-for-profit organization formed by the Wisconsin Hospital Association, Wisconsin Medical Society, Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality, and Wisconsin Health Information Organization, as the State-designated entity to govern statewide HIE. DE on October 25, 2010. WISHIN is responsible for implementing Wisconsin’s Strategic and Operational Plan. The plan requires multi-stakeholder collaboration and emphasizes ongoing development of government and policy structures.

Mineral Point Medical Center Improves Care with WISHIN Pulse Electronic Results Delivery – For clinical staff at Mineral Point Medical Center, electronic results delivery doesn’t just save time on phone calls or mailing results, it improves care by getting results to providers quickly. “With WISHIN Pulse providers are able to make earlier diagnoses and compare previous results easily,” said Christy Pethel, Director of Nurse Informatics and IT at Mineral Point Medical Center. “The electronic lab results populate directly to the patient’s chart…This flow has speeded the result-advising time from next-day to the same day.” For more news be sure to check out the May edition of WISHIN Connections.

Paso del Norte Health Information Exchange (PHIX)

The Paso del Norte Health Information Exchange (@PHIXNetwork) is a unique collaborative of major health care leaders in El Paso. PHIX pulls health information from the EHRs of all providers in the PHIX network and stores it in a centralized record so that patients’ health information in one place. PHIX provides HIPAA- compliant email and supports physician practices in optimizing their utilization of EHR technology.

Joint Statement on Health Information Exchange in Southern New Mexico – The New Mexico Health Information Collaborative and PHIX are committed to working together in southern New Mexico and west Texas. Their goal is to ensure that hospitals, providers, and patients benefit from interoperable data exchange across these regions. This interoperability will give area hospitals and providers a more complete picture of each patient’s health.

PA-HSX-200Health Share Exchange of Southeastern Pennsylvania (HSX)

HealthShare Exchange (@HealthShareExch) is the greater Philadelphia region’s health information exchange for the five-county Southeastern Pennsylvania region. HSX is a unique, membership-dues-supported nonprofit formed by the Delaware Valley’s hospitals/health systems and healthcare insurers that links the electronic medical record systems of different hospital health systems, medical centers, and clinics — and the claims data of healthcare insurers — to make this information accessible at inpatient and outpatient points of care, including medical practice offices.

Congratulations, HSX! Five Years and Counting

schiex-logo-orangeSouth Carolina Health Information Exchange (SCHIEx)

South Carolina Health Information Exchange is an innovative statewide information highway that allows participating health care providers to view a patient’s medical history, including medications, diagnoses and procedures. It is not a secure network where providers use certified technology to share the information they need for better outcomes.

ADT Pilot Project – A new service provided by SCHIEx helps doctors and other providers keep better track of their patients. This makes for better care, and it can also save money. Patients have a way of not staying put. In the course of receiving care, they can move from one facility to another. This may be necessary, but it can pose a challenge to their doctors, and can lead to additional, unnecessary cost – cost that the provider may have to absorb. Providers throughout South Carolina can use the new ADT service to track their patients and follow up on their care.

NY-SHINY-200New York -Statewide Health Information Network for New York (SHIN-NY)

The SHIN-NY is the only HIE that provides universal access regardless of network or EHR system. New York State has made a significant investment in the SHIN-NY and in 2016 they set a goal of connecting 100% of the PPS across the state to the SHIN-NY. The eight RHIOs that make up the SHIN-NY are working directly with the PPS organizations to meet their needs.

VA Hospital Connects to NY Health Information Exchange – Canandaigua VA Medical Center is connecting to the Rochester RHIO and the Statewide Health Information Network for New York network of networks for in an effort to improve veteran health record access and patient care. Sharable data available in the local HIE includes radiology reports and images, hospital admission and discharge transactions, hospital reports, medication history, lab reports, and basic demographic information.

Bronx Regional Health Information Organization Subscription Alert Services – In New York State, all Qualified Entities offer alert services to enhance the flow of information between settings of care. Alert services are part of the minimum core services provided by SHIN-NY. In a recent study conducted under the direction of Cornell-Weill Medical College, evidence from multiple years of Medicare data paired with the centralized analytic database of the Bronx RHIO, suggests that alert services help avoid hospital readmissions and reduce healthcare costs.

Colorado Regional Health Information Exchange (CORHIO)

CORHIO200CORHIO (@CORHIO) manages one of the country’s largest and most successful health information exchange networks and works to improve healthcare through the use of information technology and data exchange.

CORHIO Launches Emerging FHIR Technology to Improve Data Access and Patient Care – A proof of concept is underway that utilizes Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources – or FHIR (pronounced FIRE) – to provide user-configurable access to retrieve and view the patient data contained in the CORHIO health information exchange. Last month, CORHIO announced the successful launch of a new technology innovation that will make healthcare data even more portable in Colorado. CORHIO CEO Morgan Honea made the announcement at the Prime Health Innovation Summit in Denver.

Michigan – Great Lakes Health Connect (GLHC)

GLHC twitterGreat Lakes Health Connect (@GLHC_HIE) is one of the largest and most successful Health Information Exchanges in the country and is growing rapidly. GLHC is committed to creating care-connected communities across Michigan. Their vision is to enhance patient experience, improve health outcomes, and reduce costs across the continuum of care.

GLHC 2017 Summit Series Kickoff Event in Kalamazoo Engaged Healthcare Community – On May 10, nearly 80 professionals from the healthcare community in Southwest Michigan gathered to discuss the latest and greatest advancements in health information exchange, and the positive impact that technology can have in supporting the transition to value-based care across the continuum. The Southwest Summit was the first of six events being held across the state between May and October. Together, these events make up the GLHC 2017 Summit Series.

Rhode Island – CurrentCare

RI-CurrentCare-200CurrentCare (@CurrentCare), Rhode Island’s health information exchange system, is a safe, reliable, and efficient electronic network that gives medical professionals access to their patient’s health information. CurrentCare is a free service developed by the RI healthcare community that creates a centralized electronic health record for enrolled patients.

EmPOWER your Patient Care with a CurrentCare Viewer Contest!

Vermont Information Technology Leaders (VITL)

VITL-twitterVITL (@VITLVT) is the nonprofit organization that advances health care reform efforts in Vermont through the use of health information technology, and is the legislatively designated operator of the state’s Vermont Health Information Exchange (VHIE).

VITL & Medicity Launch External Connection with VA – Vermont Information Technology Leaders, Inc., operators of the Vermont Health Information Exchange, and Medicity, a provider of population health management solutions, announced that VITL has launched its external connection to the Veterans Health Information Exchange, also known as the Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record program. This makes it easier for providers inside and outside the Department of Veterans Affairs to share health information for the more than 48,600 veterans who live in Vermont. For more news from VITL be sure to check out their May Health IT News Bulletin and sign up to receive emails in the future.

Arizona – Health Current

Health Current (@AZHealthCurrent), is a partner that gives providers the information they need to make better clinical decisions and keep people healthy. The HIE believes more complete information is more meaningful. It makes healthcare transformation possible. And Health Current is central to this progress, integrating information technology and care delivery to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities.

10th Annual Health Current Summit & Trade Show – Health Current has become the nation’s fastest growing HIE, growing more than 800% over the past two years, integrating both physical and behavioral information and providers. Now with more than 300 participating organizations including hospitals representing 95% of all inpatient and emergency department discharges. Health Current’s 10th Annual Summit & Trade Show promises to be the largest ever featuring best practices and discussions on integrating information and transforming healthcare.

South Dakota Health Link

sd-healthlink-logoSouth Dakota Health Link (@SDHealthLink) connects hospitals, federally qualified health centers, primary care providers, specialists, labs and pharmacies as well as public health and other state agencies. It’s a one-of-a-kind network that allows secure consultations and the sharing of test results with other providers for better patient outcomes. Health Link is provided by the South Dakota Department of Health and guided by an active advisory council working toward a common goal: Foster the sharing of information through a secure platform to improve the quality, safety and efficiency of care provided to all citizens.

Register Now for the 2017 SD Health Link Roadshows – The Roadshows will provide non-members a great overview of SD Health Link, who our current members are, and more about the services we offer. For current members the Roadshows will give updates on Health Link activities, new services and technology. Register for free now and join the Roadshow Event closest to your organization.

HIE Organizations Upcoming Events


Great Lakes Health Connect Events
What: GLHC 2017 Summit Series
When: various dates from May 10 – October 4
Where: various locations

South Dakota Health Link Events
What: South Dakota Health Link Roadshow 2017
When: various dates from June 13 – June 28
Where: various locations
What: South Dakota Health Link’s 4th Annual Fall Forum
When: October 12, 2017
Where: Sioux Falls, SD

Health Current Event
What: 10th Annual Health Current Summit & Trade Show
When: Monday, October 30 – Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Where: Renaissance Phoenix/Glendale Resort & Spa, Glendale, AZ

WISHIN Event – Save the Date
What: 2nd Annual Wisconsin HIE Summit
When: Thursday, November 9, 2017
Where: TBD