Stage 2 Meaningful and Interoperability Course
The State HIE Program Policy Office and the Regional Extension Center Program have released Interoperability Basics, a 75 minute online training course designed to provide an in-depth look at:
- The definition of Stage 2 meaningful use data exchange requirements
- Explain the necessary interoperability building blocks in Stage 2
- Outline the path to meeting the Stage 2 meaningful use criteria
- Highlight the effect of health data exchange on specific categories of care
This is the first of five modules to be released to help educate ONC grantees, providers, implementers and other stakeholders on the process of meeting Stage 2 meaningful use data exchange requirements. The four topics within this first course are:
- Defining Interoperability
- Interoperability Path to Stage 2 Meaningful Use Stage
- Building Blocks of Interoperability
- The Effect of Interoperability on Categories of Care
Over the next several weeks, the ONC will release the remaining four modules including:
- Transitions of care between care providers and care venues
- Lab interoperability between hospitals and ambulatory providers
- View, download, and transmit of information between patients and providers
- Transmission of information to public health agencies
Collectively, the five modules will provide answers on how interoperbility in Stage 2 meaningful use is to be achieved.
You can explore the first training module on the website.