Healthcare Innovation Doesn’t Stop at Go-Live

Joshua Liu, MD

Co-founder & CEO at SeamlessMD
LinkedIn: Joshua Liu
X: @joshuapliu
Co-host: The Digital Patient Podcast
Musings and Insights

It’s like going to the gym and doing a workout for the first time.

Sure, you showed up on Day 1 and got through the workout. But…

→ Will you still be doing the workout on Day 100? (Sustained success)

→ Will your health actually improve? (KPIs improved)

Yes, implementation was a meaningful amount of work.

Yes, we should celebrate Go-Live.

But we can’t forget that getting to Go-Live is only 10% of the way to the destination.

Getting to Go-Live just earns us the right to see if the Innovation ACTUALLY works.

After Go-Live is when a lot of the Innovation (and work) actually happens.

For example, take SeamlessMD’s digital care journey solution. After Go-Live with a health system, our team remains a partner with providers to:

→ Update clinical content over time based on patient and provider feedback (guidelines and protocols change – these must be updated for relevance and patient safety)

→ Monitor patient adoption and engagement (where is adoption high or low? Why?)

→ Troubleshoot challenges in clinical workflows (what are bottlenecks to enrolling patients? How should we adjust clinical workflows?)

→ Measure impact on outcomes (are we achieving the desired outcomes? If not, why not?)

Eventually when the Innovation has been properly embedded into the day to day workflows, and has become fairly sticky because the ROI has been proven, you don’t have to “hand hold” as much.

But until then, the Healthcare Innovation will only be as successful as the Change Management you apply both before AND after Go-Live.

The Digital Patient

The Digital Patient takes an “edu-taining” approach to all things digital patient care. On this show hosts Dr. Joshua Liu, and Alan Sardana talk with healthcare, technology, and innovation leaders about the latest advancements in digital health, trends in digital transformation, and strategies for optimizing the patient experience.