Enrollment Workgroup soliciting comments

In March of 2010 the Affordable Care Act was enacted. The Act asks the HIT Policy and HIT Standards Committees to come up with a set of standards which would facilitate enrollment in Federal and state health and human services programs. This June the ONC responded to the request by creating the Enrollment workgroup chaired by Obama’s Chief Technology Officer, Aneesha Chopra. The workgroup has been tasked to recommend these standards including standards for:

  • Electronic matching across state and Federal data
  • Retrieval and submission of electronic documentation for verification
  • Reuse of eligibility information
  • Capability for individuals to maintain eligibility information online
  • Notification of eligibility

With almost eight weeks and five meetings behind us, the workgroup presented their draft recommendations. On July 30, the Workgroup held a Listening Session for the public to respond to the recommendations and suggest issues for future consideration. To follow up on the Listening Session and Public Hearing and to elicit further public comment, the FACA Blog is open for comments until August 10. Comments can be submitted online on the blog website or emailed to: judy.sparrow@hhs.gov(use “enrollment workgroup” in the header and identify the question to which you are responding). For more details on the Enrollment workgroup and their recommendations, read the FAC Blog.