Don’t Miss Dr. Rucker and Aneesh Chopra on HealthcareNOW Radio this Week

If you haven’t tuned in to HealthcareNOW Radio yet, this would be a great week to check it out. And find out what is airing on all the shows this week.

Healthcare de Jure weekdays 2pm, 10pm, and 6am ET

On Healthcare de Jure (#HCdeJure), join host Matt R. Fisher as he and his guests discuss a smorgasbord of topics, giving hospitals, physicians, vendors and patients a seat at the table. Matt’s virtual conversations can be listened to on demand or heard on air. So don’t miss a minute of what’s on the menu.

This week: Aneesh Chopra
Aneesh Chopra is the President of CareJourney, an open data intelligence service launched by Hunch Analytics, a “hatchery” he co-founded incubating ideas that improve the productivity of health and education markets. From 2009-2012, he served as the first U.S. Chief Technology Officer and prior to that, as Virginia’s 4th Secretary of Technology. His public service focused on better public/private collaboration as described in his book, “Innovative State: How New Technologies can Transform Government.” In 2011, he was named to Modern Healthcare’s list of the 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare and in 2008, to Government Technology magazine’s Top 25 in their Doers, Dreamers, and Drivers issue. He is a Member of the Council on Virginia’s Future, earned his master’s degree in public policy from Harvard Kennedy School in 1997 and his bachelor’s degree from The Johns Hopkins University in 1994.

Matt and Aneesh discuss the background on data liberation efforts through the Affordable Care Act, price transparency and what patients need as well as how progress is being made incrementally.

Conversations on Health Care weekdays at 1 am, 9 am, and 5 pm ET.

On Conversations on Health Care join hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter interview a thought leader from the realm of health policy, health innovation, health technology and global health.’s Managing Editor Lori Robertson exposes false claims about health policy in the public domain and we end with a Bright Idea that’s improving health and well being in every day lives.

This Week: Dr. Donald Rucker
Dr. Don Rucker, the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, came to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) from the Ohio State University where he was Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine and Biomedical Informatics and Premise Health, a worksite clinic provider, where he served as Chief Medical Officer. Read more about him.

Dr. Rucker discusses recently announced rules requiring health providers and hospitals to make electronic health records available to consumers upon request to their smart phones, at no cost them, to give patients more control of their health information.