By Scott Ablin, Vice President of Marketing, ZirMed
Twitter: @zirmed
Do you have level 3 or 4 inpatient claims that were denied and that you have appealed? If so, you may qualify to partake in the second settlement process with CMS.
What’s new vs. 2015?
The requirements and opportunity are similar to 2015, but the settlement amount has changed from 68% to 66%.
What are the specific timeframes and responsibilities that providers need to be aware of?
From CMS: “The deadline for hospitals to submit an Expression of Interest is January 31, 2017. CMS believes this process will ease the administrative burden of current appeals, and the associated litigation risk, for both the hospital and Medicare program.”
The editable PDF version of the Expression of Interest form is available. The 508 Compliant (non-editable) version of the Expression of Interest form is available.
How can I find out more information?
CMS will be hosting a MLN Connects National Provider Call on November 16, 2016 at 1:30 PM EST. The details of the call and registration information are available.
More information, including detail on the announcement and all applicable forms can be found on the CMS website.
This article was originally published on ZirMed and is republished here with permission.