CMS EHR Incentives for Providers: Payment Statistics
My grandmother always said that “the proof is in the pudding”. In the case of CMS EHR incentives the proof is in the incentives paid. The programs continue to produce remarkable statistics that demonstrate that Health Information Technology is being adopted.
The rate of EPs (eligible professionals) receiving Stage 1 Medicare incentives continues to accelerate. In May a total of 281 EPs received $5,058,000. In October that number had climbed to more than 2,000 EPs who received $36,594,000.
As of October Medicare has paid out a YTD total of $104,490,000 to EPs. These are the early adopters who are meeting Stage 1 meaningful use requirements in 2011 and have successful registered, attested, and received payments. Over 135,00 EPs have registered for one of the two incentive programs.
Although not all states have begun payments to Medicaid incentives those numbers are equally impressive. As of October Medicaid YTD payments total $182,565,925 to 8684 EPs. CMS is also providing the ability to see which specific Medicare EPs have been paid incentives.
Looks like 2011 has been a strong first year for EHR adoption based on these numbers. 2012 should see the incentive program hitting on all eight cylinders as Medicare EPs race to meet Stage 1 and obtain maximum incentives.
Jim Tate is a nationally recognized expert on the CMS EHR Incentive Program, certified technology and meaningful use. He will be presenting an upcoming encore presentation of the e-learning event Roadmap for Physician Specialists: How to Earn EHR Incentives. Click here to learn more.