What Providers Need to Know about EHR Incentive Audits
The following is a communication sent out today from the Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
All eligible professionals (EPs), eligible hospitals, and critical access hospitals (CAHs) attesting to receive an incentive payment for either the Medicare or Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program may be subject to an audit.
Pre- and Post-Payment Audits
CMS and its contractor, Figliozzi and Company, perform audits on Medicare and dually-eligible (Medicare and Medicaid) providers who are participating in the EHR Incentive Programs. States perform audits on Medicaid providers participating in the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program.
In addition to the post-payment audits that have been conducted since 2012, CMS began pre-payment audits this year, starting with attestations submitted during and after January 2013.
New Resources to Prepare for Audits
For those providers selected for pre-payment or post-payment audits, CMS and its contractor will request supporting documentation to validate submitted attestation data. To help providers prepare for a potential audit, CMS created the new Supporting Documentation for Audits Fact Sheet. The fact sheet and a sample audit request letter for both EPsand eligible hospitals are also available on the Educational Resources page of the EHR Incentive Programs website.
Want more information about the EHR Incentive Programs?
Make sure to visit the EHR Incentive Programs website for the latest news and updates on the EHR Incentive Programs.