Regulatory Issues

Collecting, Using, and Exchanging Data to Advance Health and Health Equity

From the Health IT Buzz Blog – As part of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy’s vision of “better health enabled by data,” we are committed to advancing health equity and person-centered ways to promote the interoperable exchange of data on patients’ health-related social needs and broader social determinants and dynamic social drivers of health.

Medicare Advantage Poised for Growth – Unfazed by Market Shifts and Critic Concerns

By Cynthia Henry – As the healthcare industry adapts to economic and regulatory changes, Medicare Advantage stands out as a cost-effective model consistently delivering value to beneficiaries. Compared to traditional fee-for-service Medicare, MA excels in financial efficiency and quality outcomes, making it a resilient choice for enrollees and a strategic asset for payers.

What is HEDIS? The Basics, Objectives and Significance

By Amit Shah – HEDIS is a measurement set used to determine the efficacy of a payer to care for its members. The performance data collected through HEDIS assists payers in identifying areas for improvement as well as tracking successes through a measurement set that allows them to be compared to other payers.