Articles by Industry News

AHIMA: HIM and HIT Professionals Collaborate for Interoperability

In collaboration with Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) unveiled a roadmap for the development of standards to support information governance (IG) in healthcare including national and international efforts to ensure interoperability among health information systems.

Most Wired Hospitals Focus on Security and Patient Engagement

Health data security and patient engagement are top priorities for the nation’s hospitals, according to results of the 17th annual HealthCare’s Most Wired™ Survey, released by the American Hospital Association’s Health Forum and the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME).

Get My Health Data Campaign Launches

Almost every industry — banking, travel, retail, education — gives customers powerful tools to manage their lives online. But in health care today, accessing information online is often a confusing and difficult process. Few patients know what to ask for or what information should be available to them, and not nearly enough health care organizations are equipped to meet their requests.