MGMA12 Trends and Concerns

Join the Twitter Stream at #MGMA12

Monday’s Twitter stream at #MGMA12 told the story. You only needed to follow the tweets from attendees (onsite and remote) at the MGMA’s Annual Conference in San Antonio to gain a sense of the concerns and trends that are affecting medical practices. Andy Warhol said that everybody would be famous for 15 minutes. Twitter gives everyone the opportunity to be a journalist for 144 characters.

Here are a few crumbs from Monday’s twitter table. Monitor #MGMA12 Tuesday and Wednesday and you will find some real info among the vendor promos. I’ve found some good Tweeple that I will continue to follow after the conference ends. Here are a few of them.

@HCIformatics: “At MGMA Conference: survey results: med group managers holding off on innovation because of payment uncertainty”
@ahier: “Some fascinating data on national referral patterns
@MedEconomics: “Showing empathy is a very important skill for #physicians, yet it’s only expressed in 21% of #primarycare visits.”
@hjluks: “the issue is in the driver behind the message and the context of that message” To Tweet or Retreat
@PhysiciansPract: “panel speaker Shelley Guffey: “if you can’t handle change in this industry, now is the time to think about something else”