Is Social Media the New Way to Find Healthcare Jobs?

social-media1Finding Healthcare Jobs Through Social Media

By Michelle Rebecca

There’s no denying that social media has infiltrated virtually every part of our lives. But, what may come as a surprise is the number of qualified professionals in the healthcare industry that are using social media to find employment.

Social Media in Healthcare

The rising popularity of social media job searches has not replaced more traditional avenues such as job boards, professional forums and classified ads. Most people still utilize these outlets, but it isn’t their only source for finding a job. An overwhelming 60% of healthcare employee candidates have added at least one form of social media to the mix.

For years now, the only social media website that seemed to be dedicated solely to professional connections and job leads was LinkedIn. While LinkedIn remains a valuable asset, new data from a 2013 study suggests that Facebook has taken over in popularity.

Job Possibilities With Social Media

It’s common knowledge that anything you post to social media becomes public. Even with high privacy settings, there’s always the possibility of the wrong people seeing something you didn’t want them to see. In the past however, using discretion online was more of a self-respect and character issue. If it had anything to do with work at all, it was probably to protect a job the person already had.

Knowing that many potential employers use social media, job seekers have begun to monitor the types of things they post. For example, the funny, yet crude joke one person might like to share with their closest friends will either end up in a private message or not being sent at all. This is because of the off chance that it could reflect poorly on that person’s employment candidacy. Even personal opinions and beliefs are often left unsaid for fear of offending the person in charge of hiring.

In addition, more people are updating their social media profiles with varied work experiences and skills. Suddenly, social media has become more like an interactive, highly personal resume, rather than a place to catch up with friends and family. This is particularly true within the field of healthcare, although it is not uncommon in other fields.

Rise of Social Media for Job Seekers

One reason why social media has become so relevant with job searching is because of the grasp it has on our lives. Through online sites, people connect with one another and form friendships with people they’ve never met. It was only a matter of time before employers and job seekers realized the value of social media sites.

Employers like to hire individuals who are qualified, but they also have a high preference for people with personal connections. While there may not be a direct personal connection, employers tend to feel more comfortable talking with someone who is well-known within the company.

Social media has definitely made its mark in the realm of job seekers throughout the healthcare field. So, it might even be a good idea to view social media sites for possible employment.

Michelle is a blogger and freelancer. She’s written about almost every topic under the sun, from the benefits of electrosurgical smoke evacuators to the best tricks for generating web traffic. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling & spending time with her dogs. Follow her on Twitter and Google+.