Follow and join the conversation with #NHITweek, #HITWorks and #IHeartHIT.
For those of us in the know, the value of health information technology and the benefits it can bring to U.S. healthcare are crystal clear. We know health IT improves the quality of healthcare delivery, increases patient safety, decreases medical errors, and strengthens the interaction between patients and healthcare providers. In order to spread awareness and acknowledge the role health IT plays in transforming health and healthcare, organizations across the U.S. will join together to celebrate National Health Information Technology Week next week, October 2-6, 2017. Find out how you can be a part of this worthwhile celebration and what you can do to support the cause!
Ways to Participate
National Health IT Week is a virtual event with various activities in communities from Maine to California. There are a variety of things that individuals and organizations can do during NHIT Week and beyond to participate. The official National Health IT website has a plethora of resources and suggestions that range from sharing a tweet to hosting an event with information about the latest in health IT.
10 Ways to Celebrate #NHITweek in Your Hometown
— HIMSS (@HIMSS) September 14, 2017
Social Media Guide to #NHITWeek
The heart and soul of National Health IT Week is found on social media. The easiest and possibly the best way to participate in NHIT Week is through your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or any other social network of your choice. #NHITWeek, #HITWorks, and #IHeartHIT are the hashtags to use to stay abreast of the latest happenings during NHIT Week, engage policymakers, and share your health IT success story.
- #NHITWeek
Your Social Media Guide to National Health IT Week | #NHITweek
— HIMSS (@HIMSS) September 16, 2017
- #HITWorks
Improve Health Outcomes with EHR Analytics >>>> 2017 Davies Award Recipient @PetalumaHealth #HITworks
— HIMSS (@HIMSS) September 27, 2017
- #IHeartHIT
#IHeartHIT aims to shed light on the role health IT can have on improving health and care delivery. #NHITweek
— HIMSS (@HIMSS) September 25, 2017
Events Galore
During Health IT Week healthcare constituents attend a wide range of related events both in person and virtually. While the NHIT week website lists all registered events from across the nation, we have chosen a few virtual events to highlight below. Mark your calendars now and be sure not to miss them!
#3Dprinting in Healthcare! 3rd Annual #NHITweek #Firetalk
When: October 3, 2017 at 10:00 am ET
Where: #NHITweek #Firetalk
What: In this 3rd annual NHITweek Firetalk, Charles Webster, MD (@wareFLO) speaks with Lars Brouwers, MD (@Brouwers_3D), about 3D-printing in healthcare. Learn about 3D printing in healthcare and about group social video conferencing (Firetalk). Learn next steps to begin your own 3D printing projects. If you are a patient, or a health IT professional, this is a great opportunity to peek into your near future!
HIMSS Webinar Health IT Infrastructure: Supporting 21st Century Healthcare
When: October 3, 2017 at 1:00 pm ET
Where: HIMSS Webinar
What: Join HIMSS in a discussion that explores aspects of our nation’s infrastructure needs from the Health IT perspective. Speakers will share their perspective on infrastructure as it relates to public and population health, workforce and economic opportunity, broadband and other policy related efforts.
Spok Webinar: How HIT Can Help Extinguish Physician and Nurse Burnout
When: October 4, 2017 at 12:00 pm ET
Where: Spok Webinar
What: In recent years, physicians and nurses have been faced with more paperwork, complexity, and change than ever before. All this change is leading to physicians and nurses who feel burnt out. How can health IT help clinicians love their jobs again? Join Spok for this National Health IT Week webinar to explore how to implement technology in a way that makes your physicians and nurses’ lives easier.
Join us during #NHITWeek for a discussion on how to help extinguish #burnout for your clinicians:
— Spok (@spoktweets) September 27, 2017
National Health IT Week Twitter Chat: #AskONC
When: October 4, 2017 at 1:00 pm ET
Where: #AskONC
What: ONC invites its Twitter followers to join in an online conversation looking at the current and future state of health IT, nationwide interoperability, suggestions to reducing clinician burden, and much more.
#NHITWeek REMINDER: #TwitterChat with the ONC Leadership is coming up Oct 4 at 1pm ET! Use hashtag #AskONC to participate
— ONC (@ONC_HealthIT) September 21, 2017
#HITworks Twitter Chat: National Health IT Week + The Value of Health IT
When: October 5, 2017 at 12:00 pm ET
Where: #HITWorks
What: HIMSS will host an #HITworks Twitter Chat to unpack the value of health IT in celebration of National Health IT Week. Join the Chat using the #HITworks hashtag.
Highlighting health IT value through four Points of Engagement during #NHITweek #HITworks @Lygeia @RodP_HealthIT
— HIMSS (@HIMSS) September 26, 2017
RADxx Tweet Chat Sponsored by Ambra
When: October 5, 2017 at 4:00 pm ET
Where: #RADxx
What: Join us for a RADxx tweet chat! #RADxx fosters networking and mentorship opportunities for women leaders in radiology, informatics, and IT management of radiology systems. This initiative driven by Dr. Geraldine McGinty (@DrGMcGinty) and Mini Peiris (@Mini_Peiris) has grown to over 100 strong women & men interested in increasing diversity within the various disciplines related to medical imaging.