CMS NPRM Overview

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM). It has taken the recommendations from the HIT Policy committee and outlined the objectives and measures that define meaningful use for stage 1 of EHR adoption. Stage 1 for the most part will begin in 2011. The objectives fall under five priority health outcomes. Eligible Professionals will have to meet 25 objectives and Eligible Hospitals will have to meet 23.

Eligible Professionals and Eligible Hospitals will qualify for one of the three incentive programs proposed in the rule. The incentive programs will pay under Medicare or Medicaid and meaningful use of EHR certified technology will determine the what and how of payments.

CMS NPRM Overview is the second of our Issued Rules webinar series presented by Bill Oravecz. This webinar is an overview of the proposed rules and discusses CMS’ goals, key definitions, the criteria for meaningful use, objectives and measures, and reporting for stage 1 of EHR adoption. You can find this webinar in the subscriber Rules Update library. View the first in the series outlining the history of EHR adoption in the Quest for EHR Adoption. Stay tuned each week for the next webinar in this series. Next week look for our ONC IFR Overview.