HIMSS Annual Conference

HIMSS24: Interoperability Showcase

If you are heading to HIMSS next week, be sure to save time for the reimagined Interoperability ShowcaseĀ® for live, real-life experiences from interoperability champions demonstrating standards-based solutions within both clinical and technical settings.

Seven Things I Learned About TEFCA at HIMSS

By Jim Tate – I attended the recent HIMSS conference in Chicago with a particular interest in finding out what is going on with the TEFCA. This interoperability initiative, more than six years in the making, appears to be close to bearing fruit. My observations are based on conversations with pending QHINs, TEFCA presentations, and a little eavesdropping.

DirectTrust and EHNAC at HIMSS

I caught up with both Scott Scott Stuewe, President and CEO of DirectTrust and Lee Barrett, now the Commission Executive Director for DirectTrust this past week at HIMSS in Chicago to talk about the merger and DirectTrust, post pandemic. Take a listen.