Artificial Intelligence

Just Do It (Using AI)

By Dr. Nick van Terheyden aka Dr. Nick – Digital collections do not quite replace everything the same as AI does not replace everything. We still need the human touch and pattern matching and decision-making while differences remain important.

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AI in Healthcare News and Updates

This month’s AI report includes news and updates from BEN, MedAdvisor Solutions, Odessa General Surgery, eClinicalWorks,, The SCAN Foundation, Dandelion Health, AXYS, F4CP, AION Labs, BioMedX, Azalea Health, Ontrak Health, ImagineSoftware, Maverick Medical AI, DeepScribe, Aideo Technologies, MedEvolve, & more.

How Generative AI Can Support Value-based Care

By Rahul Sharma – A 360-degree view of the patient is essential in providing clinicians, payers, and patients themselves with actionable insights that can lead to improved outcomes. Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly playing major roles in data digitization, prediction analytics, and decision support systems.