Administrative Simplification Compliance Resources

Compliance with the adopted Administrative Simplification standards and operating rules can benefit organizations across the health care industry, including providers, health plans, and clearinghouses. CMS (@CMSGov) has created tools and resources to help you understand and reach compliance, which you can find below.

CMS under the Secretary’s authority granted to HHS also enforces Administrative Simplification requirements to ensure the health care community reaps the benefits of standardized transactions and reduced administrative costs.

Informational Videos
These videos are a quick and easy way to learn about Administrative Simplification compliance and enforcement:

Administrative Simplification Enforcement and Testing Tool
The Administrative Simplification Enforcement and Testing Tool, or ASETT, allows you to test transactions for HIPAA compliance. You can also use ASETT to file a complaint if you believe there are compliance violations in any of your trading partner transactions. You can use the Quick Start Guide and User Manual to help get started on ASETT.