2019 State HIT Connect Summit Twitter Round-Up

2018 State Healthcare IT Connect Summit (@HealthITCONNECT)
Was10th Annual State Healthcare IT Connect Summit 
When: March 18 – 20, 2019
Where: Hilton Hotel Baltimore, MD

The 2019 State Healthcare IT Connect Summit marked the 10th anniversary of the program. The conference has grown and evolved into an important national venue for public and private sector thought leaders to share ideas and benchmark implementation strategies of State Health IT Systems. The meeting comprises keynotes, keynote panels, collaborative networking round-tables, workshops, focus groups the Connect Exhibition and breakouts assigned to 6 separate tracks. We followed the action on social media and put together some highlights from the summit.

Quips of Wisdom and Pics from Various Sessions:

Follow Edifecs for the rest of the list:

Busy Booths Representing:

Thank you, Sponsors!

That’s a Wrap!