Health Information Exchange (HIE) is happening every minute of every day. Your personal health information is moving and being viewed to improve the quality of your healthcare and lower the costs. The job will not be complete until all health records are digital and interoperable. Here’s what’s happening to make that reality.
RosettaHealth Launches EasyExchange Solution to Help Hospitals Meet Meaningful Use Stage 3 (MU3) Requirements
RosettaHealth (@rosettahealth), an innovative, secure, SaaS interoperability platform, announced the launch of its new EasyExchange Solution, which offers hospital systems a simple, all-in-one solution to meet Meaningful Use Stage 3 (MU3) information exchange attestation and objectives.
Promenade Software Launches Parlay Cloud Allowing Medical Device Developers And Manufacturers to Securely Access Their Devices From Anywhere
Promenade Software (@promenadesw), a leading medical device software development organization, announced the launch of Parlay Cloud for medical device developers and manufacturers. With features like device usage tracking, remote upgrade capabilities, device consumables tracking and patient-provider data sharing, Parlay Cloud can quickly and securely collect data from a device and deliver cloud analytics utilizing that data.
Hundreds of Providers and Staff at One of the Nation’s Largest FQHCs Now Live on CORHIO
With more than 90,000 patients cared for in 26 outpatient centers, Peak Vista Community Health Centers is one of the nation’s largest Federally Qualified Health Centers. Many of Peak Vista’s healthcare providers and support staff recently gained access to CORHIO’s (@CORHIO) PatientCare 360, which will help improve clinical decision-making and care coordination for patients in the Pikes Peak and East Central regions. Read the press release.
Kno2 Interoperability Platform is Key to ImageTrend’s Launch of Nationwide Connectivity between Hospitals and Emergency Medical Services
Kno2™ (@Kno2), the company that optimizes patient document exchange for everyone in healthcare and ImageTrend, Inc., announced the launch of ImageTrend’s expanded connectivity capabilities, leveraging Kno2’s interoperability platform. Hospitals and emergency medical services (EMS) agencies can exchange patient documentation quickly and securely through Kno2’s platform, which has been integrated with Health Information Hub™ (HIH™), to drive improved patient outcomes.
Novant, Carolinas HealthCare to Start Sharing Patient Records Electronically
Novant Health (@NovantHealth) and Carolinas HealthCare System (@Carolinas) announced an agreement to share patient medical records electronically between the two organizations, the largest health care systems in the Charlotte region.
Integration of Public, Private Health Information Exchanges Aims to Enhance Population Health Management
Healthix (@healthix), the nation’s largest public health information exchange (HIE), has connected its public HIE system to private HIEs operated by Northwell Health and the Mount Sinai Health System. All three HIEs are built on InterSystems HealthShare®, a robust information exchange platform that enables the organizations to exchange richer and more comprehensive patient data.
Reporting from ONC
Trusted Exchange Framework & Common Agreement Kick Off Meeting
Over the coming months, ONC will host a series of meetings and webinars to inform our work in support of the 21st Century Cures Act trusted exchange framework and common agreement provisions outlined in Section 4003 of the law. The kick-off meeting, scheduled for July 24, will provide an opportunity for diverse health IT stakeholders to discuss existing national trust infrastructures used to exchange health information electronically and to share their views on electronic data sharing best practices.
Date & Time: Monday, July 24, 2017 at 9:30am – 4:30pm ET.
Register: Trusted Exchange Framework & Common Agreement Kick Off Meeting
ONC Advancing Interoperability for Social Determinants of Health
To spur the development and use of health IT standards and structured data to represent existing social determinants of health (SDOH), ONC is hosting a half-day webinar highlighting the current state of using health IT to address SDOH. The webinar will look at existing screening tools and how providers are use these tools in a variety care and payment models. The webinar will also highlight current efforts to enable electronic capture of SDOH data elements, and demonstrate available resources to create interoperable SDOH tools, concepts, and data elements.
Date & Time: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 12:00pm – 4:00pm ET
Register: ONC Advancing Interoperability for Social Determinants of Health
Reminder: Proposed Interoperability Standards Measurement Framework Open for Public Comment
ONC is looking for feedback on a proposed industry-wide measurement framework for assessing the implementation and use of health care interoperability standards and implementation specifications. Public comments on the Proposed Interoperability Standards Measurement Framework will be accepted until 5:00pm ET on Monday, July 31, 2017. Please note that comments and recommendations submitted as part of this process will be made public by ONC.
Beyond Boundaries: ONC’s 2017 Technical Interoperability Forum
Save the date! ONC is hosting a two-day, in-person only forum focusing on the technical aspects of interoperability. These two days will focus on how ONC, our federal partners, the health care industry, and the technology sector can come together to shape the technical aspects of interoperability. If you lead, develop, and implement health IT systems or standards, this event is for you. Registration details will be available next week.
Date & Time: Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at 9:15am – 5:30pm ET & Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at 9:00am – 1:00pm ET
Success Story: Rhode Island Quality Institute Transitions of Care
A data dashboard can help manage patients’ transitions of care. As part of ONC’s Advance Interoperable Health Information Exchange Program, Rhode Island Quality Institute (RIQI) developed a dashboard that eliminates care transition data flow challenges between hospitals and other providers. Read the Rhode Island Quality Institute Transitions of Care Success Story.
Success Story: Delaware Health Information Network Transitions of Care
Delaware Health Information Network (DHIN), the first statewide HIE in the nation, developed comprehensive, longitudinal patients records in the state. Their efforts, supported by ONC’s Advance Interoperable Health Information Exchange Program, ensure that Delaware residents’ information moves with them throughout the healthcare system. Read the Delaware Health Information Network Transitions of Care Success Story.