What’s Happening at the ONC – 01-03-21

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is at the forefront of the administration’s health IT efforts and is a resource to the entire health system to support the adoption of health information technology and the promotion of nationwide health information exchange to improve health care. ONC is organizationally located within the Office of the Secretary for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Here is what they are doing and reporting. Follow them @ONC_HealthIT. Sign up for their email updates.


Health IT Advisory Committee
Wed, 01/13/2021, 9:30 AM

ONC Annual Meeting 2021

News and Announcements

ONC Partners with ACI on Special Section on Workflow Automation
ONC is partnering with Applied Clinical Informatics (ACI) on a special section of the AMIA and IMIA eJournal focusing on workflow automation. The special section, guest edited by National Coordinator Dr. Don Rucker and ONC Chief Scientist Teresa Zayas-Caban, will feature a diverse range of submissions and demonstrations from academic and healthcare organizations and industry partners. Interested authors can submit articles between now and June of 2021 with manuscripts published online as they are ready. Submission information is available from ACI. For more information about health IT workflow automation policy development, please visit ONC’s project page. Learn more.

New Pediatric Resource Available
ONC recently released the Pediatric Health Information Technology: Pediatric Healthcare Provider Informational Resource (Healthcare Provider IR) to support the implementation of health IT products used by clinicians that provide healthcare for children. The Developer and Healthcare Provider IRs identify ONC’s ten recommendations for health IT for pediatric care, relevant certification criteria within the ONC Health IT Certification Program, and other information to support the implementation of health IT products to support the safe and effective healthcare of children. Learn more.

Sync for Genes Phase 4: Call for Demonstration Sites
ONC is seeking health IT companies, genomic medicine organizations, researchers, and clinical institutions to participate as demonstration sites in the Sync for Genes Phase 4 Sharing Genomic Data with Individuals project. Sync for Genes Phase 4 will develop and test health IT infrastructure to enable interoperable sharing of genomic data and supporting information with individuals. Selected sites will use standardized Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) APIs to advance the project goals. Profiles are due by January 8, 2021. Download the Demonstration Site Profile. Read more about Sync for Genes Phase 4.

ONC announces new initiative, Project US@
To start in 2021, ONC has agreed to develop a unified specification for address in health care. This project will be a collaboration with Health Level 7 (HL7), the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP), and X12 (along with the other standards development organizations and members of the Health Standards Collaborative.) The goal of the project is to issue a unified, cross-SDO, health care industry-wide specification for representing address within the year.

Now Available: Experiences from Sync for Science Pilot Project Participants
ONC published a brief describing experiences of participants from the Sync for Science (S4S) pilot project. The pilot project supported health IT developers and provider organizations in developing and implementing capabilities to enable patient-directed data sharing through APIs. The S4S pilot project demonstrated how individuals can share health data with researchers through APIs and how volunteers can submit health data to the NIH All of Us Research Program. Read the brief.

2020-2025 Federal Health IT Strategic Plan

This Plan is outcomes-driven, with goals focused on meeting the needs of individuals, populations, caregivers, healthcare providers, payers, public health professionals, researchers, developers, and innovators. Read the Plan.

Interim Final Rule with Comment Period

Reminder: 2014 Edition Retired
ONC’s 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule retires the 2014 Edition from ONC’s Health IT Certification Program as of the rule effective date, June 30, 2020. This includes all 2014 Edition certification criteria and related standards, terms, and requirements, which will be removed from the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Visit HealthIT.gov for additional guidance.

Please note: any developers who were only certified to the 2014 Edition and had not yet updated to the 2015 Edition prior to June 30, 2020, are no longer considered active under ONC’s Health IT Certification Program.


Health IT Playbook

Health Records

Updates to the SRA Tool
ONC, in partnership with the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) recently released an update to the HHS Security Risk Assessment (SRA) Tool. This tool provides support for small- and medium-sized health care organizations in their efforts to assess security risks. This enhanced version of the SRA Tool includes a variety of new features like improved navigation throughout the assessment sections, export options for reports, and enhanced user interface scaling. Download SRA Tool.

New Resources to Address the Privacy and Security of Health Data Used in Research
ONC has released the final report of the Privacy and Security Framework for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) project. The report highlights a framework and resources that support the responsible use of health data for PCOR. Learn more about how these resources can support stakeholders as they navigate the complexities of sharing health data for research and better protect patient data in the final report. Read the Final Report.

ONC’s Cures Act Final Rule Webinars & Resources
As of June 30, 2020, ONC’s 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule is effective. Please visit 21st Century Cures Act: Interoperability, Information Blocking, and the ONC Health IT Certification Program, for detailed information about the rule. ONC recently completed a series of question-and-answer webinars on ONC’s Cures Act Final Rule. All webinars were recorded. Visit the Cures Rule website to view all the webinar recordings, slide presentations, and resources about the Final Rule.

Using Real-World Data to Advance Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
ONC has released the results from the Coordinated Registry Network for Women’s Health Technologies project, a collaborative effort to enable researchers to generate real-world evidence using data that address some women’s health issues. Coordinated registry networks (CRNs) enable research across clinical registries to study multiple interventions and play an important role in advancing patient-centered outcomes research. Read the final report to learn more about lessons learned from developing and testing the Women’s Health Technologies CRN FHIR® Implementation Guide.

Tools and Resources for the Health IT Community
To support HHS’s ongoing response efforts to the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), ONC is partnering with the CDC to direct the health IT community and healthcare providers to various resources for reporting and tracking of coronavirus disease or COVID-19. Visit HealthIT.gov for more.


From the Health IT Buzz Blog – Learn more about HHS’s Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). Check out the latest blog posts:

Spotlighting Interoperability Proving Ground Programs

The Interoperability Proving Ground (IPG) is an open, community platform where you can share, learn, and be inspired by interoperability projects taking place across the nation. ONC is asking those working on COVID-19 interoperability projects to share your project on the IPG and tag it with #COVID-19. We’re reviewing every entry to identify opportunities for connection and collaboration among the community on these critical efforts.

The Interoperability Proving Ground (IPG) Spotlight project of the week is: A HIPAA Compliant, Interdisciplinary Collaboration Tool for Front-Line Clinicians: TrekIT – Created by clinicians for clinicians at Penn Medicine, TrekIT is a HIPAA compliant clinical workflow tool that was built to enable seamless team-based collaboration across every provider in every setting and requires no IT resources to deploy. To support the medical community during this time of extreme strain, we are offering TrekIT free of charge to our colleagues on the front-lines.

Learn how your interoperability project can be featured as an IPG Spotlight by visiting the Interoperability Proving Ground (IPG). Once a project is submitted or updated, projects will automatically be added to the feature queue to be randomly selected as a featured project.

ONC Interoperability Pledge

Companies that provide 90 percent of electronic health records used by hospitals nationwide as well as the top five largest health care systems in the country have agreed to implement three core commitments: Consumer Access, No Blocking/Ensuring Transparency, and Standards. The ONC (@ONC_HealthIT) wants vendors to sign a pledge. Is your vendor pledging? Find out who is on the list.