4sight Health

The Real Reason Hospitals Hate Physician-Owned Hospitals

By David Burda – Businesses in healthcare run like businesses in any other industry. It’s all about market leverage and who has the upper hand. When you have market leverage and the upper hand, you can charge more for your goods and services without feeling the competitive pressure to improve your goods and services.

The Medical Debt Pyramid Scheme

By David Burda – Hospitals and doctors charge sick or injured patients unaffordable prices for their care. Patients as a result rack up billions of dollars in unpaid medical bills across the country. The question is, what is there to do about it?

Healthcare Savings — Lies and Punchlines

By David Burda – Healthcare executives always lie about why they did what they did, whether what they did is a merger, acquisition, affiliation or strategic partnership. The only correct answer is “for economic reasons.” They made a deal to preserve revenue or profits or to increase revenue or profits. That’s it. Sorry.

Provider Directories Speak Volumes

By David Burda – Accuracy is a pillar of healthcare consumerism. It’s the most important pillar. If we want patients and members to make informed decisions about their medical care and their health insurance, they need accurate information to make the right choices for them.